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adjuvant chemotherapy meaning in Hindi

adjuvant chemotherapy sentence in Hindi

सहयोगी रसायन चिकित्सा
adjuvant    सहौषध ऐड्जुवैन्ट
chemotherapy    कीमोथेरपी रसायन
1.Many people tolerate adjuvant chemotherapy with fewer unwanted side-effects than standard chemotherapy.

2.Therefore, it is rare for oncologists to recommend adjuvant chemotherapy in these cases.

3.The news releases said Strawberry is expected to take adjuvant chemotherapy.

4.Adjuvant chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy in malignant SFT remains controversial.

5.At issue is " adjuvant chemotherapy " given after breast tumors are surgically removed.

6.In one study in 2007, scans were taken of patients exposed to adjuvant chemotherapy.

7.Typical chemotherapy is six cycles of intraperitoneally-delivered platinum-base adjuvant chemotherapy with agents such as carboplatin.

8.Adjuvant chemotherapy refers to the use of chemotherapy after apparently curative surgery to improve the outcome.

9.Adjuvant chemotherapy for localised resectable soft tissue sarcoma of adults : A meta-analysis of individual patient data.

10.Since the introduction of adjuvant chemotherapy, chiefly platinum-based drugs like cisplatin and carboplatin, the outlook has improved substantially.

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How to say adjuvant chemotherapy in Hindi and what is the meaning of adjuvant chemotherapy in Hindi? adjuvant chemotherapy Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.